Roles & Responsibilities

In order for the league/teams to be successful/enjoyable, all youth teams require volunteers to help out:

1. Head Coaches
2. Assistant Coaches
3. Bench Helpers
4. Scorekeepers
5. Other Volunteers

Volunteers are needed for EVERY team.

At time of player registration parents/guardians can indicate their interest to volunteer. Coaches do NOT require certification. If you do not have a child playing but would like to volunteer please contact us directly.

The role of the Coach in ball hockey is to provide an adult mentor and organizer behind the bench to ensure EQUAL playing time, provide instruction and guidance where needed and ensure the players are having FUN!!! Coaches are the main point of contact for the team and are the main liaison between the league and their respective teams.

Although it is an asset to have a hockey background or to be knowledgeable in the sport, this is not mandatory.

Ball Hockey commitment is NOT the same as ice hockey as there are very few practices. The U5, U7 & Special Needs divisions have practice time included as part of their 1 hour sessions.

Assistant Coaches:
Assistant Coaches will assist the head coach in running the bench, ensuring players have FUN and helping out where needed.

Bench Helpers:
Coaches may reach out to parents to assist with other duties as needed or to fill-in if they are absent. Please offer to help out if needed.


Other volunteers for teams may be needed but this is left up to the discretion of each team's parent/coaching group to determine independently (i.e. manager, jersey parent, etc.).

You can volunteer for your child's team during the registration process or contact the league if you did not volunteer during registration but would like to become involved.

Most important thing a coach or parent should remember - it's a game and the kids play to have FUN. It's not for you, it's for them.  Please tell your child you "love watching them play" as this will go a long way....